Food Closet
Old Stone Church FOOD CLOSET, supported solely through direct donations of food and money, continues to minister to the community. The food closet is in regular need of cereal, spaghetti sauce, canned meats, canned fruit, juices, cake and dessert mixes, hamburger helper and similar products, peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese (boxed or canned) and instant mashed potatoes. Also, any financial donations--that are used to restock the closet with specific items--are appreciated. Financial donations can be given during the offering: make checks to First Baptist Church and clearly mark for food closet, or see Sherrill Estes. Food items can be brought anytime and left in the church kitchen.
The Food Closet offers non-perishable food items to the local community, as well as some frozen goods and fresh produce when available. It is supported and stocked through donations from those at Old Stone Church and from other churches in the community (currently Holy Trinity Episcopal Church and Amicable United Congregational Church.) In May, the Post Office has a large food drive and the Old Stone Church food closet has been one recipient of the food.
There is no sign up or screening necessary. We do try to focus on residents of the local community, and there are guidelines that can be discussed when a client comes to use the closet.
Clients may select food items that will appeal to that individual or his/her family members. Also, food coupons for perishable food items can be obtained upon request--depending on availability--usually in the amount of $20.00 to $30.00.
The hours for distribution are Thursdays 10:00 am to noon and Friday mornings 8:30 to 10:00. However, other times can be arranged by appointment by calling the church office.
It should be noted that the East Bay Community Action Program on Stafford Road also has a food closet. Here, clients are screened and bags are pre-packed. More information can be found at:
ebccap.org or by calling 401-625-5134
If anyone would like to Place Flowers in the sanctuary for a Sunday morning in memory of someone, in honor of someone or to the glory of God, please see Priscilla or Jan.
Prayer Chain
Old Stone church has a PRAYER CHAIN. If you have an immediate prayer request, please call or E-mail the church office, and an E-mail will be sent to others on the chain. If you would like to be a part of the Prayer Chain, please see Pastor Pat.
Veteran’S Box
We are collecting items for homeless veterans. Please note, items that were not distributed last year were sent with the Fall River & Rhode Island National Guard that were deployed after the election. All the troops that were supposed to come home did not, and they are still deploying despite any news you may hear.
Debi Sylvia will stop by every Friday to collect items. If you have any questions, contact Deb.
Discretionary Funds
There are local discretionary funds that can be accessed to help individuals or families through short-term difficulties by providing one-time aid for basic life needs. We do advise people to contact the East Bay Community Action Program, which has access to assistance programs and longer-term aid. However, if other avenues have been explored and no solution has been found, then Discretionary Funds become a consideration. Those requesting assistance must give the creditor permission to speak to someone from the church about the account. This allows for verification of information. Checks are made payable to and usually sent directly to the creditor—no direct disbursements are made.
Deacon’s Fund Donations
On the shelf at the back of the church is a vase that holds DONATIONS FOR OUR DEACON’S FUND. If you have loose change and are willing to donate that, please place it in the vase. Our regular Deacon’s fund offering is held on every communion Sunday.
Program of Discipleship
We hold a PROGRAM OF DISCIPLESHIP most every Sunday after services. It consists of a discussion of the service topic. Discipleship is an organized plan that encourages every believer to grow. Anyone is invited to attend and discuss
Pastoral Visitation
The pastor is available for hospital and home visitation upon request. Membership is not required.
Pastoral Counsel
The Pastor is available either by appointment or upon immediate availability for counsel concerning personal matters. This may be for long-term, short term or for crisis intervention. This service is open to the general public. In some situations, seeing a professional counselor in addition to seeing the Pastor for counsel is recommended.
Weddings, Dedications, Funerals and Other Events
Both our pastor and our facilities are available for Christian Ceremonial events such as weddings, child dedications and funerals. Our fellowship hall can be used for receptions after these events or for social gatherings too large for one’s home. Along with the hall and the use of tables and chairs, we also offer the use of our kitchen. These services are also open to the public. There is no fee, although a donation to defray costs is appreciated.
The church does stipulate that, along with all laws that govern public and personal conduct, all ceremonies be Christian in nature, and that no alcohol be present, no firearms or weapons be present, and that no objectionable music or language be used on church property.
We also offer opportunities for corporate prayer, bible study, youth ministries and a woman’s fellowship to name some of the activities.
For more information, please contact the church office.