Our God is a Generous God

And Giving is an act of Worship

A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes other will be refreshed

Proverbs 11:25

Online Giving

Online giving is a safe and easy way to support the ministries of The First Baptist Church in Tiverton.
This system enables you to support the church by making a one-time contribution or establishing a recurring contribution.

3 Simple Steps

* Create a user id and password.

* Provide contact and bank or credit card information.

* Indicate the amount, frequency (one-time or recurring) and designation for your gift.

Text to Give

Text “Give” to 401-337-7038


You’ll be asked to register your bank for credit card information if it's your first time. After that, you can simply text to give. Or, text EDIT to update your information, set up a recurring gift, and check the status of a gift.

All sensitive financial information is stored with the highest bank level security. Your phone number will never be sold, traded, or given to third parties. You will only be texted to confirm your giving.

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Stay Connected with Our App

View your donation history and more all with the convenience of your phone.

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Other Ways to Give:

Online Bill-Pay, US Mail, Offering Plate

Sending one-time or recurring payments through your bank’s online bill-payment system is a convenient way to donate without fees. You can also use the offering plate during a worship service, or mail a check.

Please make checks payable to:

First Baptist Church in Tiverton