Established in 1680
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me
John 14:6
A message from the Pastor
Would you and/or any you know be available to help with the POST OFFICE FOOD DRIVE on Saturday, May 7th. We take part every year and receive tons (literally tons) of food that has to be sorted, checked and stored. We also need drivers to pick up food along different routes.
It's a lot of work, but the more hands the easier it is. Please call Sherrill (401-624-4795) with questions or to confirm your availability.
Our FOOD PANTRY CONTINUES TO SERVE A LARGE VOLUME OF CLIENTS. So far we have been able to help them all. We want to welcome any family who may be in need of food or anything else. We really need people who may be in a position to help to donate food or anything else. THE FOOD CLOSET IS IN REGULAR NEED OF cereal, spaghetti sauce, canned meats, canned fruit, juices, cake and dessert mixes, hamburger helper and similar products, peanut butter and jelly, macaroni and cheese (boxed or canned) and instant mashed potatoes. Also, any financial donations--that are used to restock the closet with specific items--are appreciated. Financial donations can be given during the offering: make checks to First Baptist Church and clearly mark for food closet, or see Sherrill Estes. Food items can be brought anytime and left in the church kitchen.
Many local families are hurting and need a little help once in awhile. I am determined to make our pantry a success.
We need to take care of each other! Thank you for taking the time to read this message. I just thought it was time for an update for you. St Theresa and St Christopher Churches have an ongoing food drive for us and donate to our pantry every single week. Why can't our OWN church do the same? Just a suggestion.
Thank you. Sherrill
A collection of services and celebrations
Our History
The First Baptist “Old Stone” Church in Tiverton was constituted in or around 1680 AD, initiating an unbroken history of service and ministry.
The church was first established by John Cooke, who was thirteen years old when he arrived at Plymouth in 1620 on the Mayflower. He was initially a Congregationalist and became a deacon of the Plymouth Church in the
Our Ministries
Find out more about the different ministries of Old Stone Church